If you live at 33 North, you likely have a lot to be thankful for, whether it’s a roof over your head, your family, neighbors, or your job. But the reality is that not everyone in the Bay Area is as fortunate as we are.
So if you happen to have some free time on your hands this holiday season, why not lend those hands for a charitable cause? There are tons of opportunities to give back to the community this holiday season, depending on how you’d like to help.
The San Francisco Citizens Initiative for Technology & Innovation (sf.citi) rounded up some options for those who are willing and able to volunteer for those in need this holiday season:
SF Fire Fighter's Toy Program
Last year, the San Francisco Fire Fighters helped find toys for 40,000 children in the area. Though the Toy Program helps children all year, the holiday season is the neediest time of year, and your company can have a large impact. SFFFD offers a few suggested ways of corporate involvement:
Order a toy barrel for collection at your place of business
Invite the organization to your company holiday event
Host a toy drive.
Individuals can also donate gift cards for families or drop off toys at ANY SF Fire Station in the city.
For more information and to get involved, go to sffirefighterstoys.org
Run Wild San(ta) Francisco
In addition to participating directly in the toy drive, you can also get involved with Run Wild San[ta] Francisco on Sunday December 1st! sf.citi sponsors this event every year to encourage the holiday spirit of giving. Run Wild supports the SF Firefighters Toy Program. Exercise your generous spirit by signing up for the run at RunWildSF.com (and, of course, bring a toy)
Help Seniors Bridge the Digital Divide
SF ConnectedSan Francisco's Department of Aging and Adult Services (DAAS), the Community Technology Network (CTN) and sf.citi are excited to encourage our membership to volunteer with SF Connected: Providing computer access, training and support for seniors. San Francisco is quickly becoming the tech hub, and volunteers are needed to share their skills with folks trapped on the wrong side of the digital divide. Join us to make a difference in the life of someone isolated from experiencing essential tech tools only accessed online.
Become a Technology Trainer
Help an older adult learn to use a mouse, email or connect with family on Skype or Facebook. Patience and a desire to help others is all that is required. Sign up here.
Help a Family Start a New Home
HamiltonThis holiday season, give back by giving those in need a home. Hamilton Family Center, an organization that breaks the cycle of homelessness, is collecting housing supplies and necessities for local families moving out of the shelter system into their new homes.
Help us collect basic necessities like sheets, blankets, dishes, silverware, towels, pots and pan sets, comforters and other housewares to help this wonderful organization restore the foundation for healthy family lives.
Help a Family Start a New Home
HamiltonThis holiday season, give back by giving those in need a home. Hamilton Family Center, an organization that breaks the cycle of homelessness, is collecting housing supplies and necessities for local families moving out of the shelter system into their new homes.
Help us collect basic necessities like sheets, blankets, dishes, silverware, towels, pots and pan sets, comforters and other housewares to help this wonderful organization restore the foundation for healthy family lives.
Our goal is to provide supplies for 225 families who have recently moved into permanent housing. Your company can help us make that goal by sponsoring a family and/or hosting a housing supply drive in your office. For more information and to sign up, please contact Kia Kolderup-Lane, kia@sfciti.com.
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